Even if you have never gone through a DUI traffic stop before, you probably have driven past one or at least seen one portrayed on TV. The elements are probably familiar: the officer asking questions to the driver, having them blow into a breath test device and asking...
When Experience, Skill And Results Matter To You
Criminal Law
Criminal expunction vs. nondisclosure: the major differences
When trying to clean up an old arrest or conviction from your criminal record in Texas, you may have two options available: expunction and non-disclosure. These accomplish similar things but work in different ways, and you might only qualify for one of them....
Facing a misdemeanor DWI? Here’s what you should know
If you are facing a misdemeanor DWI in Texas, you may already know that a conviction could seriously impact your life. A first-time DWI offense is a Class B misdemeanor in Texas. A conviction may result in penalties such as 180 days in jail, up to $2,000 in fines and...
How a criminal conviction costs money for the rest of your life
Facing criminal charges can mean dealing with jail time, paying fines and incurring court costs. For some people, pleading guilty to a criminal offense seems like a quick and simple solution to the potential impact of pending criminal charges. Other individuals may...
Can you get an expunction if you plead guilty in Texas?
Having certain blemishes on your criminal record sealed from public access, also called an expunction, is a way to prevent the mistakes of your past from continuing to impact your future. After all, your arrest, trial and conviction are all part of the public record,...