Clearing And Sealing Your Record Through Expunctions And Non-Disclosures
Anyone who has been charged with a crime knows how damaging a criminal record can be. A criminal history can affect your career, your family life, where you live, where you are able to travel and other facets of life.
If you have been charged with a crime in Texas, there may be options available that would keep your criminal record sealed from public view. At the law office of Prater, Ridley & Llamas - Attorneys at Law, we can help you determine if an expunction or petition for non-disclosure is a viable option given your situation. We can also help you through both processes.
Expunctions In Texas
A person placed under custodial or noncustodial arrest for a misdemeanor is eligible to have all files and records relating to the arrest expunged if:
- Misdemeanors: If the person is released, the charge is no longer pending, there is no final conviction or community supervision and the appropriate waiting period has elapsed
Want to learn more about expunctions? Visit our page entitled What Are Expunctions? or contact a defense attorney from our firm.
Submitting A Petition For Non-Disclosure
If a person is placed on deferred adjudication community supervision for a misdemeanor, that person may petition for non-disclosure (sealing the record) if:
- The person has entered a plea of guilty or no contest
- The judge has deferred the proceedings and placed the person on unadjudicated probation
- The person has been successfully discharged from his or her community supervision with the proceedings having been dismissed
- The person has not been charged with another offense (above Class C) since being discharged from community supervision
- The offense is not one excluded under Texas government code §411.081(e)(4)
Want to know more about the benefits of non-disclosures? Check out our page What Are Non-Disclosures? or schedule an initial consultation to speak with an experienced lawyer from our firm.
Protect Your Future Freedoms With Prater, Ridley & Llamas
If you would like to learn more about expunctions and non-disclosures or believe you would benefit from record sealing, contact our firm today. We will put more than 60 years of experience at your disposal to get you the best possible outcome for your situation.
To schedule an initial consultation at our office in Temple, Texas, call 254-231-4041 or contact us online.